Dairy Farmers of America
Manufacturing and ProductionRetail StoreFood and Groceries
- 138 Federal St Saint Albans VT 05488
- (802) 524-6581
- (800) 559-0343
- (802) 527-1769
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Monday - Friday: 7am to 6pm
Saturday: 7am to 4pm
Sunday: 8am to 4pmAbout Us
The St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, Inc., established in 1919, processes and markets milk each day from its dairy farmers.
The St. Albans Cooperative is committed to providing service and stable markets and greatest achievable return to its members by delivering the highest quality milk, milk products and services to our customers.
The St. Albans Cooperative operates a retail store that has a variety of products for your dairy, horse and small animal needs. In addition, the store offers toys, apparel and a large grocery section. Something for everyone and open to the public daily. Come in and check us out!
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